A journey of a thousand miles starts in front of your feet.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Foot Binding

Hats off to Dr. Morris for a fabulous lecture on the history of China. The information from the lecture captured my interest and it made me think of the novel The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. More specifically, the practice of foot binding portrayed in the novel is what came to mind. I read the novel over ten years ago, but the images of this practice will never leave me.

I have included a link to a website that describes the practice of foot binding. In addition, the site has pictures of bound feet from many years ago. If you decide to check out this site, please share your thoughts on the MBA blog or on my personal blog. I am curious to hear your opinions. I have purposefully refrained from sharing my thoughts on the topic because I do not want to bias anyone who chooses to visit the link below.



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